
the what the fuck blog

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

You Snooze, You Use

Wow, I'm on my way to sleeping pill addiction ... but I haven't felt this good in years! Getting about 6-8 solid hours of sleep a night, every night, waking up a little groggy but refreshed within 15 minutes. I've been missing out! My normally bitchy and morose temperament has improved drastically (now I'm just contemptuous) and I feel so good. Never knew (but definitely guessed at) how much sleep can improve one's state of mind. Now I've just gotta figure out how to get sleep without becoming a user.

By the way, Rachel, you'll love Herman, the giant bunny. He was featured on the BBC. I love his feetsies and toesies!

Of course some people would look at him and see several nice dinners and stews.

Here's a random list of crap that I found in my car as I was cleaning it out:

(1) An Army MRE (meal-ready-to-eat) from the Red Cross volunteer effort I joined in New Orleans. Chicken with Salsa Flavor #7, it has a chemical heating pad. Miniature tabasco sauce and hot chocolate mix. Cool!!! It's for if my engine breaks down and I'm at the side of the road needing to eat something. That's also why I have my big-ass Mag-Lite in the glovie.
(2) A Business Week magazine with a big picture of a new apple-green Paul Reed Smith hollow-body electric guitar on the cover.
(3) Gun shooting goggles
(4) Old boxing gloves from the hole-in-the-wall G&S store on Delancey Street in New York.
(5) A baby toy in the shape of a fish rattle for my cousin's baby that I haven't delivered yet.
(6) A bunch of water bottles, some empty and some full.
(7) Old beaten up football
(8) Altoids sour apple gum
(9) Switchblade and non-switchblade knives
(10) Enough shoes and sandals to outfit a family of Asian people.
(11) Swimsuit, goggles, paddles, and gym card.
(12) Some old tools and an old jumper cable that no longer works.
(13) Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer
(14) Two blankets for emergencies and hiding valuables.
(15) A bra (mine) and clean socks.
(16) Last year’s Burning Man tickets and dead glowy bracelets from that event.
(17) A block of Mrs. Palmers Cool Water surf wax from Australia and a 2005 Tide Book for Santa Cruz.

And no, I have a small, baby-size Civic Coupe.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger swimmerpie3331 said...

Glad that wasn't my bra you found in your car.

Thought of you the other night watching 24, because super-agent and terrorist-fighter extroardinaire Jack Bauer had a black knife just like yours (but I don't know if his was cool enough to be "Extreme OPS").

At 1:58 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

What a cute bunny!!!!! Oh my God! That's funny all that stuff in your car.


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