
the what the fuck blog

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Smokey the Bear goes Equestrian

So I took this online personality test today and it appears that I am a Leader of Potheads. Too bad pot makes me nauseous and vomity. Why can't I be a Cokehead Leader, or an Ecstasy Queen? I'd be really good at that!

Sorry to bring up the Olympics again, because I know you're sick of hearing about it, but I saw the bobsledding today and couldn't resist - those guys wear motorcycle helmets. You know what that means... I'm just one Spiderman-suit away from being a walk-on!

God I fucking hate work-related extracurricular events. This guy at work hosted a ribs dinner at his place on Friday. Don't get me wrong. I like ribs, and I really like J. He's ex-Naval Academy, we discuss action sports, car racing, weaponry, artillery, and military aircraft, the whole deal. But I don't fucking want to do anything outside of work with the other fucks at work. Cause I fucking hate work-related events. Especially because I hadn't exercised all week (due to work, no less) and felt like a fat blob; I wanted to go for a run or lift instead. But J. broke me down, I went (a) because he kept on badgering me about it, and (b) because I'm trying to win brownie points with the office so they don't fire my ass.

But I ended up having a grand time playing with J.'s girlfriend's sister's baby, who is only 9 months old but practically walking and very active and sociable. Little J. was so adorable, she took a nice long catnap on my lap, and snored and even had sleepy twitches. She struck me as completely different from my cousin's baby, who is almost a year old but remains surgically attached to her mom and isn't hardly walking yet. We watched Full Metal Jacket. "Private Pyle, you are a disgusting Fatbody!" And need I mention that the wine-marinaded ribs were fantastic? We even had Gewurztraminer, my favorite wine!

I went trail running today again at Castle Rock and met Cody the Forest Ranger horse. The ranger told me that they keep horses down at Bernal Road where the gun club is, and they trailer them out to all the parks and have them march in parades. Cody is a compact little quarter horse with a white blaze on his forehead and a beautiful bay gloss to his coat, which belies his 16 years. It was calming to pet him.


At 1:36 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

I'm envious. I can't wait until the day until I can just have horses again. Sigh.

At 12:08 PM, Blogger diebenkorn said...

Oh Rachel, I totally thought of you when I saw Cody. I was just running along the trail and next thing I know this beautiful horse appears out of a bend, walking towards me! He was 16 but didn't look older than 8 or 9. I bet they spoil the Ranger horses.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger swimmerpie3331 said...

I guess I wouldn't be climbing any mountains if I were you, lest that Che Guevara prophecy kicks in.

Better just to stay in the lowlands and get stoned.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, ##NAME##, I was hunting for Super Fast Cars stuff when I found your blog. I reckon that's pretty cool. It takes effort to do what you've done. Keep it coming. John ##LINK##.


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