Old friends/New boyfriends
I may have to dump my boyfriend, Bode Miller, for France's very hot Fabian Bourzat, with his glorious chestnut curls and soulful baby face. But Fabian loses big points for (a) being named Fabian, and (b) being an ice dancer. Think about it: one of the most important tricks he does on the ice is called a "Twizzle." What the fuck?
Can I just interject here that I'm more than happy to take a pass on a number of the sports I have seen televised. Namely: ski jumping. aerial ski acrobatics. figure skating. You can fill in the blanks where I've missed some "crazy sports." Flying through the air like a projectile, bobbling and swerving, attempting to land on either: (a) hard-packed snow or (b) shiny, gleaming hard ice. Big pass. Skeleton seems kind of interesting, and it sounds bad-ass, and the skills required seem somewhat more entry-level, compared to doing insanely coordinated flips and superman poses while skating backwards on one foot carrying a 90-pound girl partner.
Went shooting at the gun club on Saturday with Ben & his roommate Carl. The weather was crisp and my fingers tightened up on the girly-ass .20-gauge I was using. Side note: our Italian-sounding Fiocchi ammo is from Ozark, Missouri. No shit. We were a little too ambitious and ended up trying the difficult clay pigeon stations. I am talking far-away difficult-to-see clay pigeons here. Carl and I both got the same score: a whopping 8 out of 50 shots, while Ben did much better: 18 out of 50!
I know what you all are thinking: Did I shoot anyone? The answer: Not that I know of.
And the cows survived.
Saw my high school friend R., whom I hadn't seen since her wedding five years ago, this weekend. Her dad cooked a delicious salmon for dinner on Saturday and we ran to Vasona Park on Sunday morning. R. has become quite the triathlete and is very dedicated. Meanwhile, I am on the slobbish side: I'm just happy if I make it out for a swim or a run most days. =) R. reminds me of several of my friends who are super-high achieving, driven, outspoken, feminist women with more mellow and low-key boyfriends/husbands/fiances. I also have a tendency to be the more "animated" one in relationships. I wonder if relationships function best with these types of "opposites."
R. and I also commiserated over how the natural early birds of the world are at a supreme advantage in society. Those whose bodies automatically wake them up at the butt crack of dawn are perceived as hard-working, dedicated and goal-oriented, while us hard core night owls don't get any recognition for our ability to pull all-nighters partying, studying, or both, and leave those cereal-munching "I go to bed at 8 pm so I can wake up at 3.45" clowns in our nocturnal wake. Fuckers! This just means I need to work in a different industry: food service, entertainment, door bouncer. That's why I'm practicing guitar so hard.
I also ran into H.S. and W.T. (separately) from high school, as I was busy doing a shitload of work at Los Osos. H.S. did some consulting in NYC (we were both in Manhattan during 9-11 but we had no idea) and is now applying to med school. I am looking forward to spending more time with W.T., who is now an English teacher at the local high school. I literally hadn't seen her since graduation. It's so nice to come back as the ex-dork and actually be able to connect with people as a born-again social butterfly. Who likes shotguns.
Unlikely scenario: you dumping Bode for Fabian.
More likely scenario: Bode dumping you for Fabian.
Seriously, I think I saw your French ice dancer last night doing body shots out of Johnny Weir's belly button.
Thanks for all the compliments! I don't think I could handle all the crazy sports on ice. That's why I tri--it's pretty hard to be intimidated by running down the road. P.S. It's a quarter-to-one and I have no sign of retiring to bed yet.
That picture with the shotgun pretty much sums up why I try to stay on your good side. The biggest Dick in the world (i.e. Cheney) ain't got nuthin' on you!
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